에픽 아카데믹스 컨설팅은 미국 대학 입시 전문가들이 모여 학생들의 꿈을 이루기 위해 대학 입시 전반에 관해 Personal한 Care를 제공하는 컨설팅 그룹입니다.


에픽아카데믹스 에서는 Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, MIT, UPenn, Brown, Cornel, Dartmouth, Caltech, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UChicago, Duke, Northwestern을 비롯한 여러 미국 Top 50위 대학에 합격생을 배출 하였습니다. 

Epic은 또한 매년 의대 입학이 보장된 BS/MD program에 100% 입학을 기록하고 있으며, STEM major 중 가장 경쟁력있는 major중 Computer Science, Business, Engineering의 top 30 college들의 입학을 매년 자아내고 있습니다.


에픽아카데믹스 에서는 Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, MIT, UPenn, Brown, Cornel, Dartmouth, Caltech, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UChicago, Duke, Northwestern을 비롯한 여러 미국 Top 50위 대학에 합격생을 배출 하였습니다. 

Epic은 또한 매년 의대 입학이 보장된 BS/MD program에 100% 입학을 기록하고 있으며, STEM major 중 가장 경쟁력있는 major중 Computer Science, Business, Engineering의 top 30 college들의 입학을 매년 자아내고 있습니다.


Epic Academics Consulting은 모든 학생들이 자신의 학업 목표와 함께

커리어 목표를 달성하는데에 있어서 전문가로부터 맞춤화된 지원을 받아볼 필요가 있다고 생각합니다.

아래 내용을 통해서 지원 분야에 대해 알아보세요.

에픽 아카데믹스 학생들의

후기를 살펴보세요.

Parin Keerthi 

University of Pennsylvania for the 7 year program

“The roadmapping process that Epic has is amazing. It all starts with a conference with the director, and from there you'll get piece by piece what you need to succeed, starting all the way from your freshman year or even 8th grade when you're a senior. Whether it be the SATt, the ACTt, your grades, GPA, anything, Epic is here to help. And I think that without Epic, I would definitely not be where I am today.”

Ria Jain

Columbia University- Computer Science major

“Coming in as a computer science major, I found the college application process to be quite daunting, because computer science is one of the more competitive and hard to get into majors.

So with the help of Epic and the test and tutoring services, I was really able to hone in on my test taking skills, whether it was a subject test or the SAT or studying for AP tests. And with Priscilla and the mentorship and guidance she was able to provide, I found many opportunities about how to bulk up my college resume outside of school and also just getting the confidence I needed to succeed throughout the college apps process.”


UIC BS/MD program

“I think something that helped during the college admissions process was having regular conferences with Priscilla because she would kind of have a checkpoint. Okay. The deadline for the common app is November 1. Let's meet two or weeks before. Let's see where your essay is. Let's see where the activities are. Let's go through them together so we can apply early, so stuff like that. So meeting with Priscilla regularly was definitely a huge help, and she helps keep you organized and make sure you don't get overwhelmed in this whole process.

So in regards to Epic, I think one of their strengths is actually how personalized they are with every student.”


Class of 2023

꿈에 그리던 대학에 들어가기 위해

지금 바로 상담을 받아보세요.

Buffalo Grove

132 McHenry Rd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Driving Directions
Phone : 847.220.4248
E-Mail : buffalo.grove@epicacademics.com


150 E Golf Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Driving Directions
Phone : 847.496.0224
E-Mail : info@epicacademics.com

Seoul, Korea

서울 서초구 강남대로 299

에피소드 강남 262 3층

Phone : 010-6240-3651

E-mail : epic.korea@epicacademics.com